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Shitala book

Shitala: How India Enabled Vaccination

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Short Description

With bags packed and nowhere to go, Tara’s plans are crushed by the COVID pandemic. Waiting it out at home and watching tragic deaths around her, makes her furious and helpless at the same time. An animated conversation with her grandfather about the impending vaccination, adds fuel to the fire!

​India enabled vaccination, Nana claims. What an absurd thing to say! More than seven decades after independence there is hardly any infrastructure in place to respond to this pandemic. It is impossible that a dilapidated system like this can make such a tall claim. Tara sets out to prove Nana wrong.

What she discovers in the process boggles her mind and shatters her world view. The colonial plunder extends far beyond her imagination. This is a journey every Indian must take with Tara because, in many ways, this is the story of all of us.

More Information

ISBN 10 0645103403
ISBN 13 9780645103403
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Publishing Year 2021
Total Pages 102
Author Mitra Desai
Publishers Subbu Publications  
Category Medicine   Medical   
Weight 160.00 g
Dimension 15.24 x 22.86 x 0.58

Product Details

Praise for Shitala:

Mitra has taken up a complex subject, peeled back all but the critical core and has set out the fundamental truths of Dharma in a simple, understandable, and enjoyable form. Shitala is a fascinating read. After all, as observed by great Mark Twain, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.”

– Foreword – Nilesh Nilkanth Oak

Bestselling author of Rama Ravana Yudh – 12209 BCE

Mitra Desai combines ineluctable historic facts cocooned inside the story of a family that could be almost any Indian family. It is woven around a delightful story in exactly the same way that our own Indian epics and narratives inform us of our past via the medium of enchanting stories. Thank you for writing this Mitra Desai. I recommend this book to all Indians. You will not regret reading it.

– Dr Shiv Sastry

Surgeon and author of Aryan Invasion: Myth or Fact? Uncovering the evidence.

Want to educate the masses? Do it through storytelling like ‘Shitala’! This book is an eye-opener as it narrates the Ayurvedic references of Shitala, Masurika and contemporary references of their Bharatiya treatment in a refreshing manner. The author has made an extraordinary effort to show unknown historical facts, the light of day. I congratulate her and thank her as well on behalf of the entire Ayurvediya Vaidya fraternity.

-Dr Pareexit Shevde

MD (Ayu.) and author of Gharoghari Ayurved.
