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The Idea of India: Bhārat as a Civilisation

The Idea of India: Bhārat as a Civilisation

by   Subhash Kak (Author)  
by   Subhash Kak (Author)   (show less)
Sold By:   Garuda International
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Short Description

“The book will not only transform your idea of India but also that of human history and our higher potentials for the future world.”

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ISBN 13 9798885750776
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 344
Release Year 2023
Publishers Garuda Prakashan  
Category Identity   History & Archaeology   Culture   Offers  
Weight 360.00 g
Dimension 15.20 x 22.80 x 2.10

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Product Details

The Idea of India is a condensation of new research that provides an authentic picture of what India meant to its own people and those living in West Asia, Europe, and East Asia. The evidence provided in the book also touches upon India’s contributions to world science and its influence on its neighbors. It also has translations of nine popular Rgvedic hymns as we as an essay on Yoga.

“The book will not only transform your idea of India but also that of human history and our higher potentials for the future world.”

David Frawley,

Acharya, Author and Director, American Institute of Vedic Studies

“The book is a must read for every student of Indian culture, science and history.”

Arvind Neelakandan,

Author, Contributing Editor, ‘Swarajya’

“…covers India’s civilisational heritage from many perspectives across time…space…

and subjects.”

Amish Tripathi

Author and Director, Nehru Centre, London
