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IKS: The Knowledge system of Bhārata

IKS: The Knowledge system of Bhārata

by   Prof. Bhag Chand Chauhan (Author)  
by   Prof. Bhag Chand Chauhan (Author)   (show less)
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Short Description

This book is going help the students at UG, PG and Research degree levels on the topic of Indian Knowledge System (IKS).

More Information

ISBN 13 9798885750882
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 464
Publishers Garuda Prakashan  
Category Academic Books   History   Social   Offers  
Weight 468.00 g
Dimension 15.24 x 22.86 x 2.00

Product Details

This book is based on the guidelines of the NEP-2020, pertaining to the development of knowledge system during the ancient period that includes a substantial part of untold history. This book is going to help the students at UG, PG and Research degree levels on the topic of Indian Knowledge System (IKS). An effort has been made to make an anthology of research done in the field by several noted scholars. The book is structured in a way that it would answer various queries of the students regarding major Bhāratīya contributions to the world knowledge system.

Chapters on Bhāratīya civilization, education system, arts, music, literature, life and work of the scholars and progress in the science, technology, astronomy, health environment, etc. are included in the book.
