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A Brief History Of Science In India

A Brief History Of Science In India

by   Sabareesh P.A. (Author)  
by   Sabareesh P.A. (Author)   (show less)
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In post-independence India, science and technology has remained anchored to terms like ‘scientific temper’, logical and rational thought pitted against ‘superstition’ and ‘illogical’ social mores.

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ISBN 13 9781942426981
Total Pages 329
Edition 2022
Publishers Garuda Prakashan  
Category History of Ancient India   Non-Fiction   Ancient History   Indian History   Science & Technology   Motivational   Featured Books   Offers  
Weight 400.00 g
Dimension 15.00 x 23.00 x 3.00

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Product Details

In post-independence India, science and technology has remained anchored to terms like ‘scientific temper’, logical and rational thought pitted against ‘superstition’ and ‘illogical’ social mores. Science is still considered a byproduct of Western civilization’s industrial development. This requires a thorough examination on merits. A Brief History of Science in India by Sabareesh.P.A answers countless questions on Bharat’s contribution and glorious achievements in science and technology, through time immemorial. Besides, it also emphasizes how science and society could co-exist in harmony.
