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Origin and Spread of Domestication and Farming
Origin and Spread of Domestication and Farming
Product Description

They migrated not only with the language they spoke and their DNAs but also with their cows, bulls and buffaloes. With them went their dogs, chicken and goats. They carried with them the seeds of barley and rice and wheat. And the mice and shrews followed them. They spread the pottery and the figurines, the art and culture of India to Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Jordan and Israel and further west.

This is the story of out-of-India migration of the farmers between 8000 BCE to 1500 BCE from Mehrgarh and the later Harappa Civilization located in the Indus-Sarasvati Valley of Northwest India, from Vindhya region, and the Ganga Valley in Central India and from the Brahmaputra Valley of Assam. Based on archaeological records of not only India, but also China, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Levant, and the genetic studies of man, animals and plants, both modern and ancient. A book for everyone interested in authentic evidence-based prehistory of India and her contributions to Asia, Europe and Africa during the Neolithic, Copper Age and Bronze Age. Appropriate citations and detailed bibliography, as well as a subject index, have been provided. The book lays to rest the speculative type of prehistory of India and the Aryan Invasion hypothesis.

Product Details
ISBN 10 1638326533
ISBN 13 978-1638326533
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Publishing Year 2021
Total Pages 264
Edition FIRST
Release Year 2021
Publishers Notion Press  
Category History of Ancient India   Civilisational Books Package   Ancient History   Indian History   Asian History   History and Environment   Newly added books   Science & Technology  
Weight 800.00 g
Dimension 22.00 x 28.00 x 1.50

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Product Description

They migrated not only with the language they spoke and their DNAs but also with their cows, bulls and buffaloes. With them went their dogs, chicken and goats. They carried with them the seeds of barley and rice and wheat. And the mice and shrews followed them. They spread the pottery and the figurines, the art and culture of India to Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Jordan and Israel and further west.

This is the story of out-of-India migration of the farmers between 8000 BCE to 1500 BCE from Mehrgarh and the later Harappa Civilization located in the Indus-Sarasvati Valley of Northwest India, from Vindhya region, and the Ganga Valley in Central India and from the Brahmaputra Valley of Assam. Based on archaeological records of not only India, but also China, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Levant, and the genetic studies of man, animals and plants, both modern and ancient. A book for everyone interested in authentic evidence-based prehistory of India and her contributions to Asia, Europe and Africa during the Neolithic, Copper Age and Bronze Age. Appropriate citations and detailed bibliography, as well as a subject index, have been provided. The book lays to rest the speculative type of prehistory of India and the Aryan Invasion hypothesis.

Product Details
ISBN 10 1638326533
ISBN 13 978-1638326533
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Publishing Year 2021
Total Pages 264
Edition FIRST
Release Year 2021
Publishers Notion Press  
Category History of Ancient India   Civilisational Books Package   Ancient History   Indian History   Asian History   History and Environment   Newly added books   Science & Technology  
Weight 800.00 g
Dimension 22.00 x 28.00 x 1.50

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