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Resurgent Bharat and Other Issues: An Anthology of Essays

Resurgent Bharat and Other Issues: An Anthology of Essays

by   Jay Bhattacharjee (Author)  
by   Jay Bhattacharjee (Author)   (show less)
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ISBN 13 978-1942426844
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 455
Publishers Garuda Prakashan  
Category Non-Fiction   Politics   International Politics   Government   Indian Politics   Elections & Electoral Politics   Offers  
Weight 400.00 g
Dimension 15.00 x 23.00 x 2.00

Product Details

These essays cover a wide-ranging of topics including India's civilisation and culture, politics, issues related to national security and neglect of the Indian soldiers by the establishment, corporate governance and humour and satire. The essays, written with historical references and parallels and unwaveringly sticking to the nationalistic perspective, without mincing words, are a wake-up call to all those wishing to see India back at the top, with its ancient glory and heritage restored. There are cogent reasons for putting together the diverse writings that this book contains. The first one is that our country that happens to be one of this planet's oldest surviving civilisations is also a young political entity, compared to many other nation-states in the world.... There are grave existential threats that it confronts. Minimising these dangers would amount to burying our collective heads under the sand says the author.
