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The Great Brahmin Land Robbery

The Great Brahmin Land Robbery

by   G.S.Krishnamurthy (Author)  
by   G.S.Krishnamurthy (Author)   (show less)
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Short Description

The Brahmins and the upper castes became the target of attack in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu when political parties with deviant ideologies came to power

More Information

ISBN 13 9798885750868
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 314
Release Year 2023
Publishers Garuda Prakashan  
Category Politics   Religion  
Weight 350.00 g
Dimension 15.24 x 22.80 x 2.00

Product Details

The Brahmins and the upper castes became the target of attack in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu when political parties with deviant ideologies came to power and rolled out programs and policies aimed at stripping them of their posts, positions and livelihood ….. Caught in a mire of leftist jargon, discriminatory policies, humiliation and rank injustice, the Brahmins felt cowed down but fought back. The present book describes the actual happenings in a fictionalised manner so as to make the narrative more interesting to the readers of the new generation.
