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Vocab Mad Easy (Volume 2)

Vocab Mad Easy (Volume 2)

by   Ankur Pathak (Author)  
by   Ankur Pathak (Author)   (show less)
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Short Description

Best English Vocabulary Books - Vocab Mad Easy Vol-2 has important English words written by Ankur Pathak which is used in different types of Competitive exams such as GRE, SAT, CAT, GMAT, etc.

More Information

ISBN 13 978-9352673162
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Publishers Garuda Prakashan  
Category Academic Books   Competitive Exam Books  
Weight 1,200.00 g
Dimension 18.00 x 4.00 x 24.00

Product Details

Vocab Mad Easy Volume-2 is the Second Volume of the Vocab Mad Easy series. This second volume contains 1540 master English words. These words are the high-frequency master words that are important from the point of view of competitive exams like GRE, SAT, CAT, GMAT, etc. The key feature of this book is an innovative memory aid technique which is called 'Mnemotricks'. With the help of these 'Mnemotricks', a student gets rid of rote learning. Through these techniques, a person can learn a total of 3082 words in one to four months depending upon the learning capacity of an individual.
