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by   Anantinee Mishra (Author)  
by   Anantinee Mishra (Author)   (show less)
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Short Description

It’s a story of Maris Mayor and her path of self-discovery and her bundle of mistakes in the past, paired with a heart-breaking affair with Nick Angelo.

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ISBN 13 9798885750851
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 132
Release Year 2023
Publishers Rati : An Imprint Of Garuda Prakashan   Garuda Prakashan  
Category Feminism   Contemporary Fiction   Literature  
Weight 150.00 g
Dimension 12.70 x 20.32 x 2.00

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Product Details

It’s a story of Maris Mayor and her path of self-discovery and her bundle of mistakes in the past, paired with a heart-breaking affair with Nick Angelo. Its a tale of human life trapped in a web of lies and buried under the weight of her guilt and anguish. this novel is about storms that rage within and outside us.
