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Kasheer: A Diabolical Betrayal of Kashmiri Hindus

Kasheer: A Diabolical Betrayal of Kashmiri Hindus

by   Sahana Vijayakumar (Author)  
by   Sahana Vijayakumar (Author)   (show less)
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ISBN 13 9781942426417
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Release Year 2020
Publishers Garuda Prakashan  
Weight 350.00 g
Dimension 22.00 x 2.00 x 14.00

Product Details

Thus comes the plainitive cry of Kailash Pandit. The reporting on Kashmir has whitewashed the human tragedy of Kashmiri Hindus. This book retells the tale in a fictionalized account which is all too real. It catches the facts of deception, betrayal, propaganda and political ambitions that have all but erased the memories of oppression of Kashmiri Hindus from the nation’s conscience. It extricates the truth of human tragedy and presents it with brutal honesty. Thus, Kailash Pandit’s question, trapped in his head, or Aarti Kaul’s unconceived womb become powerful metaphors of what happened to Kashmiri Hindus. It is time for Kailash Pandit to speak; this is his story. This is Kashmir’s story. This is Kasheer.

Originally written in Kannada, this book is translated into English by Hemanth Shanthigrama, who is a London-based technology professional.
