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Shrimad Bhagwad Gita Tattva Vivechani  Hindi Edition (Hardcover)

Shrimad Bhagwad Gita Tattva Vivechani Hindi Edition (Hardcover)

by   Jaidayal Goyandaka (Author)  
by   Jaidayal Goyandaka (Author)   (show less)
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Total Pages 776
Publishers Gita Press , Gorakhpur  
Category Spiritual   Inspirational   Hinduism   Religion   Mind, Body & Spirit  
Weight 3,000.00 g
Dimension 28.00 x 37.00 x 4.00

Product Details

A divine commentary on the Gita sung by the most revered Bramhalin Shree Jaydayalji Goyandka, the founder of GitaPress, with the aim of taking this immortal message to the masses, keeping in view the universal importance of the all-scriptural Gita emanating from the divine voice of Lord Shri Krishna.
