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The Case for India

The Case for India

by   Will Durant (Author)  
by   Will Durant (Author)   (show less)
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Short Description

The Case for India: In 1930, the author published this book while he was on a visit to India as part of collecting data for the Story of Civilization... Read more below in the Description...

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ISBN 13 978-8121290357
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Publishing Year 2017
Publishers Gyan Publishing House  
Category History  
Weight 300.00 g
Dimension 14.00 x 2.00 x 22.00

Product Details

In 1930, the author published this book while he was on a visit to India as part of collecting data for the Story of Civilization. He explains in this book that England has bled India year after year to the point of death. Before 1757, when Britain started occupying India, there were no major famines in India. Since then during almost 200 years of British rule, millions of people died every year from famine. Britain waged 111 wars in India during the 19th century. These wars were waged to steal lands from the princely states. Riots between Hindus and Muslims were rare in native states but were common in the British Provinces. The author argues that the English are the best gentlemen on earth, the British are the worst of all imperialist. British increased the rift between Hindus and Muslims.
