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The Problem with Secularism

The Problem with Secularism

by   Koenraad Elst (Author)  
by   Koenraad Elst (Author)   (show less)
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Short Description

The Problem with Secularism: This book is a collection of articles about secularism and its relationship with religious communalism, mainly the Islamic variety, and takes on the Nehruvian secularism as practiced in India.

More Information

ISBN 13 978-9385485022
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Publishers Voice of India  
Category Voice of India Books   Jaipur Dialogues  
Weight 400.00 g
Dimension 14.00 x 2.00 x 22.00

Product Details

This book is a collection of articles about secularism and its relationship with religious communalism, mainly the Islamic variety, and takes on the Nehruvian secularism as practiced in India.
