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The Sarasvati Civilisation & Thank You India [Pack of 2]

The Sarasvati Civilisation & Thank You India [Pack of 2]

by   Maj. Gen. G D Bakshi (Author),   Maria Wirth (Author)  
by   Maj. Gen. G D Bakshi (Author),   Maria Wirth (Author)   (show less)
Sold By:   Garuda International
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Short Description

A book by an Indian that brings alive your civilisational consciousness. And a book by a German that speaks so lovingly of India, especially Hindus. Buy Gen. GD Bakshi’s “The Sarasvati Civilisation” and Maria Wirth’s “Thank You India"

More Information

ISBN 13 978-1942426141, 978-1942426080
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Edition 1st
Release Year 2019
Publishers Garuda Prakashan  
Category Pack of 2 Books   Offers  
Weight 500.00 g

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Product Details

“Citizenship” maybe today’s buzzword; but it is only a subset of civilisation. Read two books to know the vast expanse and old existence of the Vedic civilisation, still prevailing in various corners of this great land.

Book your order for Maria Wirth’s “Thank You India” and Gen. GD Bakshi’s “The Sarasvati Civilisation”.
