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The Beginning… After the End

The Beginning… After the End

by   Amrita Sharma (Author)  
by   Amrita Sharma (Author)   (show less)
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Short Description

The book takes us through Maya’s tumultuous journey as she battles betrayal, loss and hurt in her quest for redemption – for herself, for the lost love and for her cherished past.

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ISBN 13 9798885750639
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 236
Release Year 2023
Publishers Rati : An Imprint Of Garuda Prakashan   Garuda Prakashan  
Category Relationships   Romance  
Weight 220.00 g
Dimension 14.00 x 21.60 x 1.40

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Product Details

“Where do all these faithful get their faith from? Where do they get the strength to put their whole life, their dreams, and their destiny in the hands of one they cannot see and have not seen!”

Sometimes what seems like the end of something turns to be the beginning of something else – something we may not be prepared for, something that shakes us to the core, something that makes us question the very basis of what we hold dear.

The Beginning… After the End begins with the sudden death of MAYA’s husband RAVI and the truth she stumbles upon when she visits the holy city of Rishikesh for his final rites.

The book takes us through Maya’s tumultuous journey as she battles betrayal, loss and hurt in her quest for redemption – for herself, for the lost love and for her cherished past.
