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Veda Mimamsa

Veda Mimamsa

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Short Description

The present book is a translation of “The Prologue” to “Veda Mimamsa” by Mrs. Sumita Bhattacharya, scholastic genius with the initiative of IIAS (Indian Institute of Advance studies, Shimla, HP).

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ISBN 13 9798885750400
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 136
Translated by Sumita Bhattacharya
Publishers Bhaskar: An Imprint of Garuda Prakashan  
Category Religion   Culture and Heritage   
Weight 150.00 g
Dimension 12.90 x 18.80 x 2.00

Product Details

Veda Mimamsa is an illumined and radiant understanding, a perceptive intellect and a thorough knowledge of the perennial spiritual history of Bharat since the earliest to the present should be the basis of interpreting the Veda. The present book is a translation of “The Prologue” to “Veda Mimamsa” by Mrs. Sumita Bhattacharya, scholastic genius with the initiative of IIAS (Indian Institute of Advance studies, Shimla, HP). The present translation work is the opening chapter of the 1 st volume of Anirban’s Veda Mimamsa, written in III volumes starting from- 1961,1965,1970
