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Hack the Boredom Code

Hack the Boredom Code

by   Neera Maini Srivastav (Author)  
by   Neera Maini Srivastav (Author)   (show less)
Sold By:   Garuda International
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Short Description

Hack the Boredom Code is an innovative answer to all your ‘life’s-so-blah moments’.

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ISBN 13 9798885750677
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 156
Release Year 2023
Publishers Garuda Prakashan  
Category Self Help   Life Style   Hacks  
Weight 150.00 g
Dimension 12.90 x 19.80 x 2.00

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Product Details

Hack the Boredom Code is an innovative answer to all your ‘life’s-so-blah moments’. Find fun and inspiration, ideas and meaning as you navigate through the ‘boredom’ trail and discover a whole new side to waking up: the sunny one, of course.
