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Sleep Your Way to Success

Sleep Your Way to Success

by   Dinesh Ghodke (Author),   Khurshed Batliwala (Author)  
by   Dinesh Ghodke (Author),   Khurshed Batliwala (Author)   (show less)
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Short Description

Nature has bestowed all of us with a strange super power. When invoked, it makes us healthier, smarter and younger. Without it, we age faster, fall sick more often, and become incapable of making smart decisions. In short, our quality of life goes for a toss.

More Information

ISBN 13 9798885750998
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 320
Release Year 2023
Publishers Garuda Prakashan  
Category Self Help   Lifestyle   Therapy   Featured Books   Offers  
Weight 300.00 g
Dimension 13.90 x 21.60 x 1.92

Product Details

That Super Power is Sleep.

Millions of people are not getting enough quality sleep. Sleep Deprivation is a silent and insidious pandemic sweeping across the globe, and it’s taking a serious toll on your health and happiness.

The first part of this is an all-you-need guide on how you can radically improve your health, productivity and creativity through sleep.

Sleep Powers Success.

The second part of this book is a series of “success chunks” that focus on charting out a clear, actionable road map to success.

Learn to harvest the phenomenal power of sleep and you will have an unbeatable edge in any field – your will indeed be able to sleep your way to success.
