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Happiness Express: A Journey to Everyday Well-Being

Happiness Express: A Journey to Everyday Well-Being

by   Dinesh Ghodke (Author),   Khurshed Batliwala (Author)  
by   Dinesh Ghodke (Author),   Khurshed Batliwala (Author)   (show less)
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Short Description

"Happiness Express" by Khurshed Batliwala and Dinesh Ghodke is a delightful guide to cultivating happiness in everyday life. Drawing from their own experiences and insights as Art of Living teachers, the authors offer practical tips and personal anecdotes to help readers find lasting joy. From the importance of rest and nutrition to the rejuvenating power of exercise and curiosity, this book provides valuable strategies for enhancing well-being and overcoming obstacles like procrastination. With its warm tone and actionable advice, "Happiness Express" is sure to inspire readers to make happiness a central focus in their lives.

More Information

ISBN 13 9798885751483
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Publishing Year 2024
Total Pages 372
Edition First
Publishers Garuda Prakashan  
Category Self Help   Health, Family & Personal Development  
Weight 380.00 g
Dimension 14.00 x 22.00 x 2.50

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Product Details

About the Book:

We live to be happy, but the few moments of happiness we experience are fleeting—gone like dew drops in the morning sun. Art of Living teachers Khurshed and Dinesh have spent the greater part of their lives being happy and coaching others to be happy. In Happiness Express, they share the secret behind their smiles.

This warm and funny book, which abounds in personal anecdotes and practical tips for everyday well-being, will make Happiness a more integral part of your life than ever before.

Learn about the importance of rest—keeping your eyes closed is one of the biggest secrets to a long-lasting smile.

Figure out the right types of food to eat—a healthy gut often translates into a happier you.

Know how physical exercise not only gives you a stronger, healthier body, but even makes your brain younger.

Unearth the thrill of learning all over again and give that innate curiosity you had as a child a second chance.

Get over procrastination, the Dark Lord of bad habits, and do the things that you've always wanted to do!
