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Spiritual Democracy: Integral Humanism for the New India

Spiritual Democracy: Integral Humanism for the New India

by   Vikas Kumar P (Author)  
by   Vikas Kumar P (Author)   (show less)
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Short Description

"Spiritual Democracy" is an attempt to take a macroscopic look at the status of politics in world, and in India, existing today and the role of "Integral Humanism" approach of Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhayay into creating a politics that is all-inclusive, oriented towards the people and rooted in integrity.

More Information

ISBN 13 978-1942426608
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 276
Publishers Garuda Prakashan  
Category Spiritual   Politics  
Weight 350.00 g
Dimension 15.00 x 23.00 x 2.00

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Product Details

The author focuses on how the current world politics always seems to lead us into states of despair (like in the case of environment), Social and cultural rupture (due to aggressive economics that focuses only on consumption) and other such issues.
The author points out that a politics that is rooted in the Indian civilisational ethos -- of basing everything on Dharma in all its aspects -- can lead to a more peaceful, durable and cheerful world. Giving case studies and figures, the author gives an idea of how Indic-ethos-based politics can alone help us come out of the depressing situation, where the world, in reality, is not at peace.