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The Essence of Draupadi

The Essence of Draupadi

by   Anuradha Singh (Author)  
by   Anuradha Singh (Author)   (show less)
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Short Description

Draupadi, Mahabharata’s leading heroine. Most beautiful, radiant and charismatic. She is one of the person’s who is held responsible for the Mahabharata war.

More Information

ISBN 13 9798885751216
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 236
Release Year 2023
Publishers Garuda Prakashan  
Category Inspirational   Feminism  
Weight 220.00 g
Dimension 13.97 x 21.59 x 2.80

Product Details

The Chief Queen of the Pandavas saw it all. She was fire born. For a reason she was born; revenge was etched in her mind since childhood. She was the Queen of Bharat Varsha’s most prosperous Kingdom, Indraprastha. Still was molested by a hall full of wise men. She did not surrender to them. She screamed, shouted, asked them questions in such a critical situation.

The Pandavas won the war and ruled over Hastinapur for next thirty six years. At that time Draupadi worked immensely for the widows and the other women who were left behind with no resources after the war. She helped Yudhishthira in bringing back Hastinapur on its feet. Such a great lady, Indian women cannot forget. She is one of the first feminist of India. Indian women still draw energy from her.

Her spirit still resides in Jaya, Devi, Tara, Kumud, Shobha, Meenakshi, Bella, Malini, rather, in each and every woman of India. Read their stories in Essence of Draupadi.

Find out if they would solve problems in their lives successfully?

How shall Draupadi inspire them?
