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The Ideology of India’s Modern Right

The Ideology of India’s Modern Right

by   Subramanian Swamy (Author)  
by   Subramanian Swamy (Author)   (show less)
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Short Description

In this book, the author has developed the concept of the Indian mindset required for India to modernize as an innovative global economy cum military power that matches the requirements of playing a role on the global scene.

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ISBN 13 978-8124118924
Book Language English
Binding Hardcover
Edition 1st
Release Year 2018
Publishers Har Anand Publication Pvt. Ltd.  
Category Politics  
Weight 200.00 g
Dimension 14.00 x 1.00 x 22.00

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Product Details

In this book, the author has developed the concept of the Indian mindset required for India to modernize as an innovative global economy cum military power that matches the requirements of playing a role on the global scene. For this purpose, he advocates a new ideology of the modern right which is based on the concept of a national identity rooted in Hindutva; and which identity-defining characteristic is culled from a clear perception of the correct history of India. He says that such an ideology of India’s modern right is based on India’s constitutional framework, modern Hindutva and ancient Hindu values for governance principles.
